a few weeks ago
{before my massive vacation}
some really dear NY friends moved away to TX.
while I'm happy for them as they take off on a new adventure, I am oh so sad to see them go.
I've been babysitting these sweet boys for years. Mackenzie was pregnant with Sam and Luc was the smartest preschooler I'd ever met. we've spent many afternoons at the park, rainy days at the library and nights of board games and trains together.
I'm ashamed to say there were some tears on my part at my last goodbye with L&S.
even though they didn't notice because they were super into the pizza that was for dinner I think hope these guys remember me as a friend :)
before I said goodbye to the boys, the girls gathered to send Mackenzie off.
I hope she know how much we all, and me especially love and miss her!
M and her family have been wonderful friends and I can't wait to hear all about their new home.
{texas forever}
M and her family have been wonderful friends and I can't wait to hear all about their new home.
{texas forever}